a book cover of first look at first finish finish finish finish finish finish finish finish
a book cover of first look at first finish finish finish finish finish finish finish finish

First to Finish; Last to win

Chashing the Ghost OUT NOW!!!!!!

The first of many books to come is sure to take you on the journey of being an everyday black man in America striving to be better and chasing an unattainable ghost of success while battling life, physically and mentally with family, friends, relationships, and self. Continue to win with Clarence and try not to continue to finish last on this never-ending race of life.

CJ-ism #29 – You may be small in man’s eye, but you are a giant in God’s eye. This world is too small, there is nothing that you cannot conquer!

Each one pull one up

Giants Don't Destroy, They Build the Unimaginable!

Stepping out of the box is necessary

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